Books are Closed
Noel’le’s books are currently closed for early 2023. make sure to subscribe to our newsletter for updates on when books open, close and any future travel plans. in order to make the booking process more seamless, below is everything needed for the application process.
please do not email custom proposals at this time. if you are interested in the non-repeatable designs that are not marked “not available,” please send us an email with all the below information. thank you so much.
what you will be asked is:
phone number
if you are a returning client
description of your tattoo project as precisely as possible
reference pictures from Noel'le's work and/or images that inspire you (via links or email attachment)
On which area of your body do you want the tattoo and if you want it to wrap around or on which side you want it
the approximate size of the tattoo (in inches or centimeters)
if you want Noel'le to add white and/or blue highlights on the tattoo Or black and grey only
if this is a cover-up or a blast-over (if the answer is yes, please take a clear picture of the existing tattoo in natural light that you will send us later)
if the tattoo is going over scars (If the answer is yes please take a clear picture of the scars in natural light that you will send us later)
your approximate budget
if you are willing to do back-to-back sessions (two days in a row)
ideal month and day(s) of the week for availability
if you have access needs or Any allergies
anything else you want us to know about your motivations behind the tattoo, relevant background information about yourself, or any prior experiences you will be processing through the work.